We have been a leading force in successfully improving the EU-wide definition of energy poverty, ensuring that member states implement energy-efficiency measures for affected individuals and vulnerable groups.
The S&Ds prepared the Winter Solidarity Package, which includes solutions to ensure solidarity and fairness in the face of the energy crisis, and measures to bring the bills down.
We secured a robust 45% renewables target by 2030 in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), focusing specifically on promoting renewable energy sources. With this directive, we increased measures to integrate renewables in both transport and heating sectors.
Under the revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), we championed the increase in energy efficiency targets (14.5% by 2030 and 2% annual energy savings) and strengthened measures against energy poverty.
Under the negotiated Gas package, we have prioritised the promotion of renewable gas over fossil gas and we push for stronger consumer protection.
The S&D Group has been a leading negotiator on Electricity Market Design (EMD), which aims to reform our markets with lessons learnt from the price crisis and strengthen the Union's response to future electricity price crises. We have strongly expanded the range of consumer protection, including when it comes to full protection for disconnections of vulnerable customers, or customers affected by energy poverty.
We achieved more transparency and increased investigation into market abuse and manipulation in the revision of the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) to prevent and address energy poverty. On top of this, we have advocated for additional powers to ACER (the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators) to ensure any market abuse is tackled and controlled at an EU level.
We secured the socially-fair revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), boosting the renovation rate of the worst-performing buildings with necessary investments and financial support, while addressing the root causes of energy poverty. We are committed to implementing robust social safeguards to support building owners in adopting improvements. This commitment ensures the protection of tenants and prevents the neglect of the worst-performing buildings.
The S&D Group has managed to promote an ambitious agreement on reducing methane emissions at global level. A strict methane detection and notification system has been achieved, which will be mandatory for operators - taking into account technological feasibility and access to components. This includes a commitment that the measures will not impose a significant financial burden on end users and consumers.
We focused on a renewable hydrogen economy with transparent certificates and standards, prioritising green hydrogen production, climate-neutral industry and global trade in hydrogen, as a response to the European Strategy for Hydrogen.
We have pushed for a better negotiating position and a lower import price on energy resources with an EU joint procurement from non-EU countries.
By 2030, we want lower energy costs, less need for the import of energy resources, better energy savings and more production of renewable energy in the EU.
We are fighting for more investment of EU funds in energy efficiency and renewables for lower electricity bills and more green jobs.
We strive to keep electricity prices stable and affordable for all EU citizens.
We work on boosting EU financial support for the renovation of buildings in order to reduce their energy consumption and lower citizens’ electricity bills.
We want a robust social shield in response to the energy crisis with a concrete plan of action to protect citizens and our fight against energy poverty.
We work towards stopping market abuse and shedding light on shady practices concerning how gas and electricity prices are determined.
We want to link the energy infrastructures of EU member states ensuring a stable and uninterrupted energy supply for our citizens and industries.