European Parliament's Open Day in Brussels

It is with pleasure that we can announce that the S&D Group is participating at the 2015 Open Days event in Brussels and Strasbourg.

This year’s event will take place on:

Saturday, 2 May in Strasbourg
Saturday, 9 May in Brussels

These open days are the first occasion for the presentation of the new S&D Group and great emphasis will be put on the communication aspects of:

a) the presentation of the S&D Group

b) The S&D Group's activities and political initiatives.

We will be joined by the Relaunching Europe, Progressive Economy and Global Progressive Forum teams as well as the teams from our sister organizations (PES, PES Cor, Solidarite Socialiste).

The focus of the 2015 open days is the European Year of Development which will be the occasion for a debate amongst members of the European Parliament with the title "Empowering women and girls – dignity and development for all".

More detailed information concerning the programme and activities will be published soon.

It is an important day for Socialists and Democrats and a big day for Europe. Please participate!