S&D Conference on Corporate Governance - The key to ending short-termism in EU companies?

Join us and discuss with the acting Director-General from DG Justice, the Italian Presidency, a multinational company and Trade Union representatives and many others about how to promote long-termism and sustainable European companies.

Our speakers will be asked to present their view on the European Commission's proposal on the Shareholders' Rights Directive. Its main objectives are to improve stability and boost long-term investment by encouraging shareholders to be more active and giving them greater power over managements.

Aside from the analysis of the proposal we have invited our speakers to reflect on possible complementary measures, in order to encourage long-termism and sustainable European companies. In particular, we would like to broaden the discussion on any future corporate governance in the European Union and examine whether and how the involvement of other stakeholders in corporate decision making can steer the strategy of companies towards sustainable competitiveness.
Following the intervention of each panellist, the moderator will invite the audience to contribute to an open discussion amongst and with the speakers.
Please fill in the attached registration form and return it to s-d.juri@europarl.europa.eu before 1 December 2014.

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