S&D Conference: Rethinking Yemen: Partnership for a Better Future.
S&D vice-presidents Elena Valenciano and Victor Boştinaru:
The Council conclusions of 3 April 2017 were a significant step in the EU engagement with Yemen. The conference would provide a platform for a debate on how the EU should redefine its role to respond to the daunting challenges ahead in Yemen, combining an increased humanitarian effort, a wider stabilization strategy and more targeted recovery and peace building plan.
The invited speakers will include:
- Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission
- Nicola Pedde, Institute for Global Studies, Rome
- Donald Kaberuka, former president of African Development Bank and current co-chair of the LSE-Oxford Commission on State Fragility, Growth and Development
- Rafat al Akhali, former minister of Youth Affairs in Yemen and Founder and CEO of Deep Root Consultants
- Farea al Muslimi, Chairman of the Sana'a Center for Strategic Studies and a leading political and Civil Society activist
At the end of the conference, a film on the EU role in Yemen by the award-winning Yemeni filmmaker Khadija al-Salimi will be shown.
Please, register at s-d.afet@europarl.europa.eu