S&D EMPL Workshop : Decent minimum wages across Europe

S&D EMPL Workshop : Decent minimum wages across Europe

Welcome by Iratxe GARCÍA PÉREZ, S&D Group president

Key note speech by Nicolas SCHMIT, commissioner for jobs and Social rights

Session I chaired by Hélène FRITZON, S&D Group vice-president: Minimum wages in Europe – aspiration and reality

- Christine Aumayr-Pintar, Eurofound
- Patrick Belser, ILO
- Luca Visentini, ETUC General Secretary
- Oliver Röpke, president of EESC Workers’ Group

Session II chaired by Agnes JONGERIUS, S&D MEP, EMPL coordinator: How to ensure decent minimum wages across Europe?

- Karla Wixe, LO Sweden
- Prof. Dr. Sacha Garben, college of Europe
- Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schulten, Hans Böckler Stiftung
- Evelyn Astor, policy advisor, ITUC
- László Andor, former commissioner for employment, social affairs and inclusion and FEPS Secretary General

Please register here by Tuesday 4 February 2020 at 12.00.

Translation in EN-FR-DE-ES-IT

Eurodiputados que participan
Jefe de delegación
Contacto(s) de prensa del Grupo S&D