Un estudio encargado por el Grupo S&D revela que la evasión fiscal priva a los contribuyentes europeos de 825.000 millones de euros anuales. Aunque la cifra supone un...
Fair Tax Report. €825 000 000 000. This is the minimum amount missing from European public coffers every year. It is very likely that this tax gap measurement remains an...
With the approval of the today resolution on ‘the Annual Report 2017 control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank (EIB)’ , the S&D insists on...
Today, with the approval of the ´Protection of the Union´s budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States´ report, the plenary...
Reacting to a Commission proposal to extend majority voting to all EU tax policies by the end of 2020, which is expected to be presented by EU Commissioner Pierre...
THE IMPERATIVE OF SUSTAINABILITY. Economic, social, environmental. independent Annual Sustainable Economy Survey (formerly iAGS), 7th Report - iASES 2019. The 2019 iASES...
Después de la decisión del Gobierno italiano de respaldar a la entidad crediticia en crisis Banca Carige y darle acceso a garantías apoyadas por el Estado para emitir...
The EU Parliament gave another chance to Europe. Now it’s up to member states to show they believe in the European future.
Después de las conclusiones de la Cumbre del Euro sobre la reforma de la Unión Económica y Monetaria (UEM), el presidente del Grupo S&D, Udo Bullmann, afirmó: “Mientras...
Los Socialistas y Demócratas han liderado hoy a una amplia coalición en el plenario para incluir a las empresas suministradoras de contenido digital como Netflix o iTunes...