With the approval of the today resolution on ‘the Annual Report 2017 control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank (EIB)’ , the S&D insists on...
Today, with the approval of the ´Protection of the Union´s budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States´ report, the plenary...
The European Parliament today adopted a report by S&D MEP Maria Arena on the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, which the European Parliament want to re-name...
In today’s vote in the European Parliament on the European Social Fund Plus the Socialists and Democrats got a major step closer to making the European Child Guarantee a...
THE IMPERATIVE OF SUSTAINABILITY. Economic, social, environmental. independent Annual Sustainable Economy Survey (formerly iAGS), 7th Report - iASES 2019. The 2019 iASES...
La comisión de Transporte del Parlamento Europeo, que reúne a todos los partidos, ha apoyado hoy un informe sobre el cabotaje* elaborado por el eurodiputado del Grupo S&D...
We want to give young Europeans like Philippe, Myriam and Giusy the chance they deserve to discover and live up to their full potential! This is why we advocate hard and...
The EU Parliament gave another chance to Europe. Now it’s up to member states to show they believe in the European future.
Los Socialistas y Demócratas han liderado hoy una votación en la comisión de Asuntos Económicos y Monetarios para establecer el Programa InvestEU, que es una estructura...
Tras su aprobación hoy en la sesión plenaria de Estrasburgo, ya es una realidad tener un Presupuesto progresista de la Unión Europea en 2019. Después de difíciles...