Quote of the week "Answers to the various challenges the EU faces today can only be European; whether it is economic policy, the migration crisis or the fight against...
On 20th April, Equinet and the Equality and Human Rights Commission are co-organising a roundtable event at the European Parliament in Brussels. The event is hosted by...
Apply now for the chance to join us in Italy on 20-22 April for the second edition of our School of Democracy. If you are selected you will have the chance to share your...
El Grupo S&D ha recibido con agrado el paquete de medidas de la Comisión Europea sobre la digitalización de la industria europea; pero afirma que la Comisión todavía...
Quote of the week "The tragic events in Paris and Brussels have highlighted yet again that information is simply not shared or used appropriately by member states. We...
Los eurodiputados y las eurodiputadas del Grupo S&D están indignados por los planes de imponer una prohibición total del aborto en Polonia, donde la legislación actual ya...
Después del seminario de hoy del Grupo S&D sobre “La diversidad de los medios de comunicación y la cultura frente a la convergencia”, la eurodiputada del Grupo S&D y...
The Europe 2020 objectives and targets were adopted in 2010 on the assumption that Europe could achieve a quick return to growth after the financial crisis that hit the...
El Parlamento Europeo ha adoptado hoy, con la aportación activa de los Socialistas y Demócratas Europeos, una Resolución sobre la República Democrática del Congo (RDC)...
A growing number of women and children are travelling to Europe fleeing war and persecution. According to UNHCR, as of January 2016, the majority of those arriving in the...