El presidente del Grupo S&D Gianni Pittella realizó una petición firme de justicia social y respeto de la democracia, en un acto especial de Relanzar Europa que tuvo...
Relaunching Europe event in Bucharest on 21 October 2016. On October 21st we’re joining our friends and followers in Bucharest for another inspiring, interesting and...
The S&D Group has called on the Polish Parliament to immediately stop working on proposals to widen the ban on abortion to include cases where a woman has been the victim...
The S&D Group has called on the Polish Parliament to immediately stop working on proposals to widen the ban on abortion to include cases where a woman has been the victim...
This weekend a delegation of S&D MEPs is in Warsaw, Poland, to discuss with civil society the current situation in the country and what the European Union can do to...
El Grupo S&D le ha pedido al Parlamento polaco que deje de trabajar de inmediato en propuestas para ampliar la prohibición de aborto e incluir casos en los que una mujer...
Press conference with Gianni Pittella on Tuesday at 10.10 in room LOW N-1/201. Watch the action live : www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu Our Priorities ▶ Tues 4 October...
When conscientious objection clashes with women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights and LGBTI rights . Freedom of conscience is a fundamental right which should...
El Grupo S&D del Parlamento Europeo ha condenado la aprobación de una nueva ley en fase de comisión en el Parlamento polaco que penalizaría a las mujeres que se sometan a...
Los Socialistas y Demócratas del Parlamento Europeo han conseguido hoy, en Estrasburgo, el apoyo de una mayoría multipartidista a una hoja de ruta progresista para...