Under the initiative of Iratxe Garcia Perez (S&D G roup President) and Eric Andrieu ( S&D G roup Vice-President), Progressive Society will now re-launch its work in this...
To conclude its first project cycle, the Independent Commission for Sustainable Equality (ICSE) published a first policy report in November 2018. The report issued 110...
Durante el debate de hoy en el plenario del Parlamento Europeo sobre el Programa de Trabajo 2021 de la Comisión Europea, los Socialistas y Demócratas han presentado sus...
S&D president Iratxe García on the PES Leaders' meeting We are concerned about the health situation in Europe. Faced with the increase in COVID-19 cases, the European...
The EU Green Deal working for Africa. Can the EU Green Deal help improve Africa? 00:00 Introduction 00:21 Europe's responsibility to help Africa cope with the Climate...
Cuando Europa hace frente a la segunda ola de la pandemia de la Covid-19, la comisión de Medio Ambiente, Salud Pública y Seguridad Alimentaria del Parlamento Europeo vota...
The European Climate Law is the cornerstone of the European Green Deal as for the very first time it enshrines into legislation the Union’s objective of reaching net-zero...
La Ley Europea del Clima es el pilar del Pacto Verde Europeo ya que, por primera vez, traslada a la legislación el objetivo de la Unión Europea de lograr cero emisiones...
En 2019, el planeta asistió a la pérdida de 11,9 millones de hectáreas de cubierta arbórea, incluyendo 3,8 millones de hectáreas (el tamaño de Bélgica) de bosques...
The S&D Group in the European Parliament is fighting to make responsible business conduct the norm. To make this happen, we need EU-wide mandatory due diligence for...