S&D Group Seminar on the Jordan River - Water, Environment and Trust-Building in the Middle East [[{"fid":"133817","view_mode":"default","attributes":{"alt":"S&D Group...
Hablando en una conferencia sobre la lucha contra el terrorismo y los derechos humanos en el Parlamento Europeo, en Bruselas, los eurodiputados y las eurodiputadas del...
S&D Group Seminar: Counter Terrorism, Security and Human Rights. For more information on the event and the registration process, please contact: Elke Degreef on +32 2 284...
Quote of the week "This is a clear humanitarian appeal to end the bloodshed in Yemen, and call on Saudi Arabia to pursue a political rather than a military solution to...
Antes de la reunión de los ministros nacionales de Justicia y Asuntos de Interior, hoy, en Bruselas, los eurodiputados y las eurodiputadas del Grupo S&D han estallado...
Quote of the week "On behalf of my group I expressed our sincere willingness to do our utmost to ensure the UK remains in the EU. Britain leaving would bring about very...
Quote of the week "We need to wake up to the scale of the crisis on our borders - we have to recognise that solving this crisis will require a large scale resettlement of...
Durante su visita a Rabat, el 8 y 9 de febrero, Victor Boştinaru, vicepresidente del Grupo de los Socialistas y Demócratas del Parlamento Europeo, destacó la importancia...
After a busy plenary session in France, we are looking forward to returning to our daily events back in Brussels. During the past session we have had interesting and...
Este jueves, 4 de febrero, a iniciativa del gobierno noruego, el Reino Unido, Alemania, Kuwait y las Naciones Unidas co-organizarán en Londres la Conferencia de Donantes...