Quote of the week “With EU leaders today signing the withdrawal agreement and with MEPs preparing to vote in plenary next week, we are reminded that there are only seven...
Los Socialistas y Demócratas han estado trabajando con otros grupos políticos en la Resolución parlamentaria sobre la Conferencia del Futuro de Europa, que se adoptó la...
Los eurodiputados y las eurodiputadas de la comisión de Desarrollo Regional han decidido congelar todas las conversaciones políticas relacionadas con el próximo...
S&Ds: Stop social dumping and drivers’ exploitation. The vote on Mobility Package paves the way for a more human transport sector.
El acuerdo sobre el Paquete de Movilidad da otro paso crucial para su entrada en vigor. Con la votación de hoy, la comisión de Transporte del Parlamento Europeo (TRAN) ha...
The Socialists and Democrats voted in favour of a trade agreement with Vietnam in the European Parliament’s Trade Committee. Before accepting the trade deal, the S&Ds had...
Los Socialistas y Demócratas han votado hoy a favor de un acuerdo comercial con Vietnam en la comisión de Comercio del Parlamento Europeo. Antes de aceptar el acuerdo...
Quote of the week “The Conference on the Future of Europe is a unique opportunity to make sure the EU is fit to face the future. We are not here to build a market, but a...
MEPs on 15 January 2020 agreed an inclusive, participatory and bottom-up approach for the Conference on the Future of Europe. We call on all EU institutions to involve...
The European Parliament has approved the resolution on the European Green Deal. A text that paves the way for a long-term sustainable growth, ensuring that our...