The workshop panel debated on a stronger European Union, enhancing the capacity of the EU to act in foreign policy, creating more EU competences in key fields such as...
The S&D AFCO workshop on will focus on the current proposals for institutional changes to the Treaties, currently under discussion in the AFCO committee. The workshop...
The aim of the S&D event is to discuss the upcoming Retail Investment Strategy that is expected to be published by the European Commission in May 2023. The Retail...
S&D Group: A celebration of 70 years of social progress Join us online in celebrating 70 years of social progress. Watch the video of our social progress over the past 70...
Watch the S&D Group's 70th anniversary commemoration film. Our history, highlights and achievements over the past 70 years. Social justice for all.
Con motivo de la fundación de la “Asamblea Europea” hace 70 años, el Grupo S&D celebra hoy su 70.º aniversario. Los eurodiputados y eurodiputadas del S&D celebrarán una...
Watch the Socialists' slideshow on our history, highlights and achievements over the past 70 years.
Cita de la semana del vicepresidente del Parlamento Europeo, Marc Angel: “Es una vergüenza que nuestras hermanas, madres e hijas sigan sin recibir los mismos salarios por...
Los Socialistas y Demócratas han conseguido introducir objetivos realistas y necesarios para la utilización de fuentes renovables en la combinación energética de la UE...