Quote of the week by President Iratxe García during her mission to New York and Washington DC: “Now that the US is back to multilateralism with the Biden Administration...
Mañana, los Socialistas y Demócratas unirán fuerzas en Varsovia con la Fundación Europea de Estudios Progresistas (FEPS) para debatir sobre la autonomía estratégica...
Hoy, la presidenta del Grupo S&D, Iratxe García, y el vicepresidente Pedro Marques han finalizado su visita a Estados Unidos, poniendo el broche final a una intensa...
Los Socialistas y Demócratas del Parlamento Europeo celebran que la UE y el Gobierno del Reino Unido hayan llegado a un acuerdo sobre las normas que regirán el comercio...
Quote of the week by vice-president Pedro Marques: “One year of the brutal Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has resulted in the death of thousands and thousands...
Since day one we have condemned Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. Since day one we have been clear about who is the aggressor and who the victim. Freedom will...
La presidenta de los Socialistas y Demócratas del Parlamento Europeo, Iratxe García, y el vicepresidente del Grupo S&D responsable de Asuntos Exteriores, Pedro Marques...
The S&D Group fights every day for Social Justice, which means a just society for all. A society where worker's rights are defended, where there is no room for LGBTIQ+ or...
Quote of the week by President Iratxe García: “Migration, as old as humanity, is one of our biggest challenges. We will never forget the arrival of the million Syrians...