The last Strasbourg Session of the European Parliament in July was a decisive session for the future of the European Union. Although disappointed on the latest...
Albania and its European perspective. Albania is a crucial partner for the European Union and has made tremendous efforts in the past years. A few days before the...
S&D Group event: Nicaragua, for Freedom. 16.00-17.00: Exchange of views on the dialogue between the government and the Civic Alliance and how the EU can provide...
School of Democracy: 20 to 22 March, 2019 Over the last four years, hundreds of young people from across Europe and beyond have taken part in the S&D Group’s School of...
Go Local Zagreb
Nel proprio intervento alla conferenza stampa durante la missione del Parlamento europeo a Tirana, Knut Fleckenstein, portavoce S&D per gli affari esteri e relatore sull...
S&Ds Go local in Valga, Estonia
S&D MEPs Josef Weidenholzer and Ana Gomes raise awareness to the humanitarian situation in refugee camps in Greece. Two members of an S&D delegation, Josef Weidenholzer...