Europe day celebration: 70 years after the creation of the European coal and steel community, we are called to make history, again! Workers in the healthcare, food...
Europe Day: A New Beginning for Europe! 8 May 2020 from 18.00 to 20.00 The event will be live streamed - come and join us at Or...
With Erdoğan using vulnerable people as pawns in a political game, Greece has fallen victim to the lack of responsibility among EU governments in the Council to act. We...
Iratxe García on EU-Mexico relations and the support of the S&D Group to the Women's Demonstration Day.
After Brexit, we are now looking ahead to future relations between the EU and the UK. We want to make sure the EU is united during negotiations. We want a fair deal for...
09.00 > Welcome speech by Iratxe Garcia Perez, S&D President & by Paul Magnette, PS President 9.30 - 10.45 > THE ROLE OF POLITICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ACTORS - Maroš...
In the chair: Tiemo Wölken, S&D coordinator of the committee on legal affairs Opening remarks by Ismail Ertug , vice-president of the S&D Group, responsible for...
How Labour MEPs have contributed to the European Union in their work as Members of the European Parliament during the last 45 years.
EVENT IN HONOUR OF THE UK DELEGATION INTRODUCTION WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF Iratxe García Pérez - S&D Group president David Sassoli - President of the European Parliament...