The Group of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament today strongly criticised the decision by member states to extend the licence of glyphosate, a pesticide which the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer considers “likely carcinogenic to humans.”
The S&D Group strongly backed the demand by the European Parliament to just phase out glyphosate instead of renewing its licence.
S&D vice-president for sustainability Kathleen Van Brempt MEP said:
“It’s disgraceful that member states don’t want to listen. They have turned a deaf ear to the demand of the European Parliament to phase out glyphosate. But they have also turned a deaf ear to more than a million Europeans who signed a petition to ban glyphosate and protect people and the environment from toxic pesticides.
“Instead of deciding on a final deadline to replace this harmful substance, we now have to discuss it again in five years. Unfortunately the member states chose to prolong this never-ending story.”
Zaangażowani europosłowie
Prezydium Grupy S&D, handel międzynarodowy, rozwój i zrównoważony rozwój globalny
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