S&D AIDA webinar: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Literacy for all - 2 March 2022

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Literacy for all AIDA

S&D AIDA webinar: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Literacy for all

Guest speakers include:

- Ms. Lucilla Sioli, Director for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry, DG CNECT, European Commission
- Dr Pilvi Torsti, State Secretary at Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö - Ministry of Transport and Communications, FI
- Ms. Inma Martinez, Member of the Expert Group at The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) for Innovation and Commercialisation of AI and co-chair of the AI for Agriculture & Farming Task Force

In the series of four S&D AIDA webinars, we want to discuss and analyse various specific aspects of future development and deployment of AI in Europe, in order to democratise its use, availability and service to the citizens. We would explore ways how democratisation of AI can empower citizens and businesses to overcome the digital divide and make AI a tool to advancement of freedom, democracy, equality and prosperity.

“Democratisation of AI”

We want a democratic AI in Europe which will be humanistic: ‘human-centric’ and ‘human-led’, oriented to serve citizens and society as a whole.

The democratic AI in Europe must respect the Charter of Fundamental Rights, ethical principles, legal safeguards, liability and human oversight.

The democratic AI in Europe must be based on principles of non-discrimination, protection of privacy and personal data, transparency, trustworthiness, safety, accessibility and accountability.

The democratic AI in Europe shall be socially fair and environmentally sustainable and it must contribute to further advancing the European values of freedom, democracy, equality, solidarity and international cooperation.

“AI and digital literacy for all”

People and especially young and elderly should understand the opportunities and risks of the digital revolution, and to this end, we need to enter into the new age of digital literacy. Digital literacy is now increasingly necessary for citizens of all generations to participate in society and benefit from accessible digital services, to learn, play, work and progress in their lives. The digital literacy and skills for adults must deliver results on a continuous basis as the advances of the new technologies become more rapid and exponential.

We need a progressive holistic strategy for all sectors of education which would guarantee affordable, accessible and comprehensive life-long learning and training opportunities for everyone. We need a European-wide strategy to improve the digital literacy to close all digital gaps: territorial, gender, age and skills.

In terms of gender equality, “the participation of girls and women in the field of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) must be boosted through concrete policy action to foster their full participation and inclusion in the digital economy.”

Please find below, links to the YouTube video of the webinar in the available languages:

EN  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80xMDkqewkY
FR  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs0qyvghj1o
DE  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sj0HJm1-ZM
ES  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORqs7K6YI8o

Eurodiputados que participan
Jefe de delegación
Coordinador, Miembro
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