In these times we need a stronger Union, not only for security reasons, but also and mainly to face the internal circumstances and processes we are suffering. The Global Strategy presented by Federica Mogherini is the answer.
The S&D Group believes that we need a long term strategy for EU in the world and we ask the member states to cooperate for this vision to become a reality.
One of the virtues of this strategy is the plan for a more cooperation across internal and external policies. This consistency will give credibility to the EU.
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For the S&D Group our priorities are to improve working and living conditions of European citizens. We want a strengthened European pillar of social rights: social protection and essential services; reducing social inequalities and promoting quality jobs; the Commission, in cooperation with the Member States and social partners, should also reinforce the European Social Dialogue.
We must also strengthen economic growth and improve our long-term competitiveness; have a new ambitious industrial strategy building on and complementing the circular economy package; respond to climate change and ensure energy security. The EU must also give a consistent response to the increased inflow of refugees; organise direct resettlement and relocation of asylum seekers and ensure their safety and humane treatment. Also there is a need to address the security concerns of citizens through judicial cooperation, timely sharing of information between national authorities and through Europol and Eurojust; with data protection safeguards. |
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Migration The S&D Group in the European Parliament welcomes the proposal to manage migration while promoting development and human rights in Africa. However, it underlines once again the need for member states to be concretely focused and united towards a global and sustainable solution. We need to both manage the migration flows, and fight their root causes. A fair and mutually advantageous EU-Africa deal is needed. The European Parliament must be in close cooperation with the European Commission in the preparation of the External Investment Plan.The EU can only deliver if member states give the EU the means to do so. Jobs, Growth, Investment After several years of painful crisis and after the recent adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals with 2030 as a target date, the European Union needs to relaunch its growth and employment strategy with a real ambition for the future. Reducing unemployment and social inequality is crucial for the success of European integration, now more than ever, as Europe prepares to deal with larger scale immigration. This transition to a new growth model must be consistent with the principles of sustainable development: economically, socially and environmentally. Any employment strategy has to be based on the creation of high-quality and sustainable jobs, not just on reducing unemployment per se. A new growth model has to be based on social justice.
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Tax evasion and avoidance costs EU member states upwards of 1 trillion EUR every year. With the TAXE2 report, we are calling for concrete legislative action to protect whistle-blowers like Deltour and Halet, who were convicted in the LuxLeaks case. We are demanding a common EU blacklist of tax havens with clear-cut sanctions within the year. Finally, we are taking crucial steps in the fight for tax justice and the preservation of our welfare states by putting the blame firmly where it lies, targeting banks, companies and tax advisors who benefit from illicit tax constructions, moving to revoke business licences and holding them directly financially liable. |
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We support a trade policy that can deliver sustainable economic growth and jobs in the EU and further afield. The S&D group firmly believes that trade should be open but subject to certain conditions. The lowering of barriers must be accompanied by progressive measures that enable the widest range of people to benefit from trade. International trade is also one of the key ways that the EU can project its values to the world. Therefore our trade policy should reflect the S&Ds’ strong commitment to high labour, environmental and social standards and more generally to sustainable development across the world.
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Integrating refugees into our societies and in the labour market is one of the key challenges of the refugee crisis. It is a dynamic process, involving rights and duties, also representing an opportunity for host societies and the refugees themselves. Besides, it constitutes our moral duty as Europeans and a specific international obligation. Finding employment is a crucial step for refugees to integrate in society and become economically independent. However, with high levels of unemployment in the EU after years of economic crisis, we must imperatively avoid creating forms of competition on the labour market among the most vulnerable groups. For this reason, my report calls for more resources for social policy in Europe, an increase of ESF allocation, increased public investment and additional resources to be made available directly to local authorities and civil society actors on the ground and improved efficiency and synergies in the management of EU and national funds. The report proposes targeted modifications to EU legislation to improve and speed up integration policies; presents a list of best practices across EU member states; give salience to the necessity of fully involving social partners in the development and carry out of programmes and policies, including in the crucial fight against discrimination, xenophobia and racism. |
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▶ | Tue 5 | Preparation of the post-electoral revision of the MFF 2014-2020: Parliament’s input ahead of the Commission’s proposal | + 33 3 88 17 54 32 |
The report assesses all budgetary aspects of the current Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). The key message is that for all intents and purposes the current MFF (2014-2020) has already been pushed to its limits during the first years, due to the growing number of crises the EU is confronted with. This makes a revision of the current MFF absolutely indispensable. Therefore, the Commission must present a thorough review that will lead to a proposal for the revision of the MFF regulation. An upward revision of several ceilings is proven to be absolutely indispensable if the EU is to effectively confront crises while fulfilling its political objectives and obligations.
The report includes key S&D demands on raising the respective MFF 2014-2020 ceilings to respond to the various challenges affecting the Union (migration and refugee crisis, agricultural crisis, youth unemployment, environmental challenges, etc.), and at the same time, enhancing the flexibility provisions of the current MFF and the administrative simplification for beneficiaries.
Through this report, the Parliament calls the Commission to present the revision as soon as possible, in order to allow for parallel negotiations on the MFF revision and the EU Budget 2017.
The S&D Group calls for a fully-fledged reform of the system of financing the Union has also been included in the package, as well as a reference to the idea of fiscal justice by adding corporate taxation as a potential Own Resources.
Also two issues not covered by the compromises have been adopted: inclusion of LGBTI migrants and of a “Bonus and Malus mechanism” for member states concerning EU measures for migration/refugee crisis.
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| | Utta Tuttlies Head of Press & Communications Unit, Group's spokesperson + 32 473 85 34 07 | Jan Bernas President's Spokesperson + 32 471 64 87 77 | Solange Hélin-Villes + 32 476 510 172 | Dimitris Komodromos + 32 474 622 884 | Victoria Martin De La Torre + 32 473 234 173 | Tim Allan + 32 475 635 673 |
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