Relaunching Europe, Naples, Solidarity with the South: EU Wake Up!

Come and join us on 6 November in Naples for an open Relaunching Europe debate on immigration and asylum, with a particular focus on the Mediterranean Sea – ’Mare Nostrum’ – and the impact of immigration on economy and society for the south of Europe.

Mass immigration is one of the most critical issues in the political, economic and social debates in Italy. Every year thousands of people risk their lives to cross the Mediterranean sea to reach European shores in search for a better life. Europe can no longer let southern European countries deal with this alone. It has to become a shared responsibility.

So what can Europe do? How can we stop human tragedies in the Mediterranean? What should our common migration and asylum policy look like? … Now it´s the time to listen to what you have to say!

Share your views with leading experts, academic, politicians and representatives of the civil society. We want to hear your thoughts and ideas so make sure you join. The debate will be moderated by Italian journalist and TV anchor Mia Ceran.

A ‘Bar Camp’ – an informal and dynamic workshop – will be organised from 16:30 until 17:30 prior to the event. It’s a great opportunity to warm up and brainstorm before the debate! Will you join?

The full programme of the evening will soon be available. The event will be followed by a buffet dinner and get-together with live DJ.

To help us organise the event, we kindly ask that you register for the event.

Practical details

“Solidarity with the South: EU wake up!”
6 November 2014, 18:00 (doors open at 17:30)
Special ‘BarCamp’ from 16:30 till 17:30
Expo Convention Center – Galatea Room, Molo Angioino Stazione Marittima, 80133 Napoli


Gianni Pittella – President of the S&D Group in the European Parliament
Alessandra Ballerini - Civil lawyer specializing in human rights and immigration
Cécile Kyenge – MEP and former Italien minister for integration

More speakers to be announced

The event will also be broadcast live on the Relaunching Europe website. If you can’t make it to Naples, you will still be able to participate live and voice your comments and questions via Twitter (#RelaunchEU) and Facebook.

We look forward to having you join the discussion!

The event is free and everybody is welcome!