Young people are the future! On 26 May, we will be in Palma de Mallorca for an event looking closely at youth policies in Europe. The S&D Group will be joined by PSOE...
Quote of the week by President Iratxe García Pérez: “After the pandemic, now energy prices and general price inflation is hitting both citizens and businesses. We need to...
Join us in Helsinki for in-depth discussions on the some of the most crucial topics of the moment - the future of Europe and security issues. Finland's security policy...
Quote of the week - S&D Group leader Iratxe García Pérez on Finland’s historic first steps to join NATO: “The more Putin threatens Russia’s neighbours, the more united we...
Democracy versus Autocracy Speakers include Klara Dobrev: S&D MEP, Former EP vice-president, Hungary Andreas Schieder: S&D MEP, GPF co-chair, Austria Mausi Seguin...
Mental and behavioural disorders are posing an increasing burden on today’s society and can affect all of us. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), almost a...
Quote of the week by Robert Biedroń, S&D MEP and chair of the European Parliament’s women’s rights and gender equality committee: “Despite the heroic resistance of the...
Rape and sexual violence are being used as a ‘weapon of war’ by the Russian aggressor. Hundreds of Ukrainian women have been raped by Russian soldiers. Unfortunately, the...
The European Parliament today called for voters to be given a second ballot paper in European elections to give the electorate the opportunity to vote for an EU-wide list...
Pour une Europe Plus Sociale et Plus Solidaire, le 2 mai 2022 Débat citoyen autour du verre de l’amitié avec des eurodéputés, des représentants de la jeunesse, des...