Challenges to Sexual and Relationship Education in Europe

Challenges to Sexual and Relationship Education in Europe.

Please register for the event here by Tuesday 23 January 2018 at 12h00.

The event will be livestreamed @

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Participants: Challenges to Sexual and Relationship Education in Europe.

Moderator:  Irene Donadio (IPPF)

MEP lratxe García Pérez (S&D)
MEP Angelika Mlinar (ALOE)
MEP Terry Reintke (Greens) 
MEP Malin Bjork (GUE/NGL)

Hans Olsson (RFSU)
Catalina  tefanescu (YES)
Antonina  Lewandowska (PL)
Jad Zeitouni (BE)
lvona Miletic (HR)
Chloe  Kenny (IE)

Fine out more about the participants below

Mobilizing #ALLofUS

Sexuality education addresses the need to foster emotional-sexual intelligence and the capacity for healthy, intimate bonding and growth. It should be built around the understanding of the concepts of consent, equity and respect for one’s own boundaries and those of others, in intimate relationships and in society.

Parents can - and must - play a key role in helping their own children develop healthy relationships. However, they cannot foster these skills in their children’s friends, peers and future partners. Only society as a whole can embrace this mission and invest in children and young people’s emotional and sexual competence today; to increase their well-being and prevent violence, coercion and gender inequity in the future. Sexuality education plays a key role in empowering young people to make decisions over their own bodies.

Social pressure caused by a rigid interpretation of harmful traditional views of femininity and masculinity, particularly in relation to sex and relationships, is the root-cause of mental and physical harm and violence among and towards young people. We cannot fight discrimination and gender inequality if we don’t look at both the causes and the effects.

Beteiligte Abgeordnete