How can we make sure companies do their due diligence?

How can we make sure companies do their due diligence?

In this 5th episode of What's Left, we discuss a European law to ensure sustainable and responsible business practices. Nowadays, 1 in 10 children in the world is being forced to work. Mostly performing dangerous work. At the same time, 25 million people are in a situation of forced labour. Hazardous business practices are also responsible for most of the deforestation in the world. In Brazil, JBS, the world's largest beef company, is the main company responsible for the deforestation of Amazonia, the world's lung. A European Law on Due Diligence would force EU companies to behave responsibly and respect human rights, social standards, as well as the environment. Led by S&D MEP Lara Wolters from the S&D Group, this law is currently being negotiated in the European Parliament.

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