Europe Day: A New Beginning for Europe!
8 May 2020 from 18.00 to 20.00
The event will be live streamed - come and join us at
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- 18.00: Opening
- Welcome by Moderator, Katrina Sichel
- Video Projection : Europe Day : 70th Anniversary of the Schuman Declaration
- Opening statement Iratxe García Pérez - S&D President
- Video Message from Progressive Leaders:
- David Sassoli - President of the European Parliament
- Pedro Sánchez - Prime Minister of Spain
- Olaf Scholz - Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister, Germany
- Debate Panel 1: Rebuilding Solidarity in Europe
- Iratxe García Pérez - S&D President
- Nicolas Schmit - Jobs and Social Rights EU Commissionner
- Paul Magnette - President of the Belgian Parti Socialiste, Mayor of Charleroi
- Luca Visentini - Secretary General ETUC
- Ana Pirtskhalava - Secretary General of YES and IUSY
- Brando Benifei - Head of the Italian Delegation, S&D Group
- Lisa Völkel - Berliner Tafel
- Debate Panel 2: Fighting for a Strong European Democracy
- Sergei Stanishev - PES President
- Gabriele Bischoff - Vice-Chair of AFCO Committee, S&D Group
- Christophe Clergeau - PES Group in the Committee of the Regions, France
- Klára Dobrev- Vice-President of the European Parliament, S&D Group
- Alicia Homs Ginel, President YES (Young European Socialists)
- Domènec Ruiz Devesa – Coordinator of the AFCO committee, S&D Group
- Domagoj Hajdukovic - Deputy Chairman of the European Affairs Committee, Croatian Parliament
- Closing remarks: Miriam Dalli - S&D Vice-President