"It is clear the pandemic is not over and that we already need to prepare for future challenges now. Even with vaccines being approved and new vaccines up for approval by...
Quote of the week by S&D Group President, Iratxe Garc ía, on media freedom in both Poland and Hungary “This was a sad week for media freedom in Europe as the Polish PiS...
Following the debate today in plenary on the state of play of the EU’s Covid-19 Vaccination Strategy, the Socialists and Democrats reiterate the need to gear up...
The ban on abortion in #Poland is a human rights violation that puts women’s health and lives at risk. This is unacceptable!
Council and Commission statements - The state of play of the EU's COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy S&D press officer: MARTIN DE LA TORRE Victoria - victoria.martindelatorre...
Watch Alessandra Moretti talk about the European strategy against cancer.
The need to effectively tackle global warming puts under pressure the existing industrial relations models in Europe. A new logic of sustainability needs to be...
“Pharmaceutical companies will not drag us into some kind of auction to increase their profits. It is of utmost importance that these companies comply with the conditions...
Buildings play a key role in our societies and daily lives. Building stock has a big impact on the EU’s climate goals as it is one of the largest consumers of energy...