Europe Day: A New Beginning for Europe! 8 May 2020 from 18.00 to 20.00 The event will be live streamed - come and join us at Or...
This year, the First of May is not like any other year. Millions of workers around the world face uncertainty. More than 50 million Europeans risk losing their job. We...
Quote of the week by Iratxe García, S&D Group president “This year, 1st May is not like any other year. More than 50 million Europeans are at risk of losing their jobs...
Confinement or not, Petitions Committee is still working to attend citizens' concerns and direct appeals on #COVID19 . Watch what our coordinator Alex Agius Saliba and...
The committee on agriculture in the European Parliament has taken a fundamental decision in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic: adopt the transitional regulation which...
Quote of the week by Iratxe García, S&D Group president, on the Recovery Fund “With a green light from European leaders, now is the time for bold and innovative...
The novel coronavirus has affected us all in multiple ways. The European Union is making efforts in different areas to respond to the european needs of this health crisis...
Iratxe García said: “This is the time to think out of the box and show political leadership. If not now, when we face a global pandemic and the risk of recession? It is...
Women are the most vulnerable in this #COVID19 crisis. The coronavirus pandemic deepens existing inequalities in our societies. It exposes an increasing number of women...