09.00 > Welcome speech by Iratxe Garcia Perez, S&D President & by Paul Magnette, PS President 9.30 - 10.45 > THE ROLE OF POLITICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ACTORS - Maroš...
The digital revolution should neither leave anybody behind nor lead to a ‘race to the bottom’ with regard to labour and social standards. It must contribute to...
Welcome by Iratxe GARCÍA PÉREZ, S&D Group president Key note speech by Nicolas SCHMIT, commissioner for jobs and Social rights Session I chaired by Hélène FRITZON, S&D...
In the chair: Tiemo Wölken, S&D coordinator of the committee on legal affairs Opening remarks by Ismail Ertug , vice-president of the S&D Group, responsible for...
Ismail Ertug comments on the new EU digital strategy. Data ownership in Europe, the future of 5G, cybersecurity and tech giants' taxation are essential issues on the EU...
Quote of the week by S&D president Iratxe Garcia Perez on the UK leaving the European Union “This was always going to be a difficult moment for many on both sides of the...
How Labour MEPs have contributed to the European Union in their work as Members of the European Parliament during the last 45 years.
Ismail Ertug reacts to the Commission's proposal on 5G in Europe
EVENT IN HONOUR OF THE UK DELEGATION INTRODUCTION WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF Iratxe García Pérez - S&D Group president David Sassoli - President of the European Parliament...
Quote of the week “With EU leaders today signing the withdrawal agreement and with MEPs preparing to vote in plenary next week, we are reminded that there are only seven...