42nd Session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly from 29 October - to 2 November 2022, in Maputo, Mozambique

ACP-EU joint parliamentary assembly

42nd Session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly from 29 October - to 2 November 2022, in Maputo, Mozambique

Climate change, the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian war against Ukraine. There is a guiding thread that links all these global crises: the cause-effect chain that tightly correlates the place of origin of the crises, mainly the most developed areas of the world, with the places where the consequences of the crises are more severe and wide-spread, mainly in the African continent and among the Caribbean and Pacific islands.

Global crises require global cooperation. Multilateralism among equals is the only concrete way forward to face global crises like climate change, pandemics, terrorism, poverty, human rights, or the spill over effects of a conflict.

Hence, we expect that the upcoming Joint Parliamentary Assembly among the African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries and the European Union (ACP-EU JPA) in Maputo, Mozambique, (29 October - 2 November 2022) could represent a turning point.

The S&D Group’s delegation to Maputo, led by the ACP-EU JPA co-president Carlos Zorrinho, will undertake to make sure the Assembly tackles the challenges ahead of us with a progressive approach centred on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Climate change and food security; health and the fight against terrorism; empowering women for political leadership; migration and sustainable growth; as well as the post-Cotonou ACP-EU agreement are set to be our focus for the 42nd session of the JPA.

The S&D delegation in Maputo will be composed of our two vice-residents Maria Arena and Eric Andrieu, the S&D coordinator Hannes Heide, and also Alex Agius Saliba, Nikos Androulakis, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, Maria Noichel, Pedro Silva Pereira and Karsten Lucke.

The full programme is attached below

Beteiligte Abgeordnete
Koordinator, Mitglied
Koordinator, Mitglied