S&D conference on the “Online platforms”

S&D conference on the “Online platforms”


Date: 28/06/2018 at 09.30 -12.30

Room A5E-2; interpretation in EN/FR/DE/IT/ES/RO/FI/CS/HR/DK; web streaming (tbc)


09h30 - 10h00

Welcome words: S&D IMCO Coordinator Nicola Danti

Opening speech: S&D IMCO Rapporteur for the ‘Online platforms’ Christel Schaldemose


10h00 - 11h45

Gerard de Graaf, Director for the Digital Single Market, European Commission

Andrea Renda, Head of Global Governance, Regulation, Innovation and the Digital Economy, Center for European Policy Studies - CEPS

Guillermo Beltrà, Director Legal and Economic Affairs- BEUC

Olivia Regnier, Director of European public affairs at Spotify

Guillaume de Marcillac, Executive Director, European Hotel Forum - EHF

Patrick Gibbels, Secretary General, European small business alliance - ESBA

Luc Hendrickx, Director Enterprise Policy and External Relations, European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises – UEAPME


11h45- 12h15

Questions & Answers session


12h15 -12h30

Conclusions and closing remarks by S&D IMCO MEPs Nicola Danti/Christel Schaldemose


Beteiligte Abgeordnete