S&Ds: It’s now or never - both consumers and farmers need us to get on with completing an EU law to stop unfair trading practices in the food supply chain.
Following the request from a group of MEPs to have a vote in the Plenary on the UTPs report, S&D co-rapporteurs on the file Paolo De Castro and Marc Tarabella stated:
“It’s now or never. No hesitation, no bowing to last minute pressure from lobbies opposed to approval of the EU law against unfair trading practices in the food supply chain. A law that has been eagerly requested by our farmers and consumers for more than ten years would harmonise the 20 national legislations currently in force. A clear and broad majority of MEPs is more than keen on completing the Parliamentary procedure by the end the current Parliamentary term. After more than 10 years of discussions, postponing again the approval of the Parliament mandate to the next Plenary Session would risk destroying the unique chance to have this important piece of legislation approved! We are ready to kick off the inter-institutional negotiations and reach an agreement with the European Council before Christmas.
“Regardless the timing of the approval of the EU Parliament mandate, with consumer health as our guiding star, we can already state that the Parliament’s negotiators will focus on the most damaging unfair trading practices for farmers and food producers in the negotiations with EU ministers. In doing so, defending the quality, environmental and animal welfare standards that make our products unique around the world. Let’s not fall into the trap of the Parliament’s ultra-liberal wing and of the lobbies against this Directive. Let’s live up to the expectations of our consumers and farmers at last.
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