S&D conference: Change the European economic model, for the many, towards a partnership for SDGs in Europe




MODERATOR  Andrea WESTALL, Senior Research Fellow, Open University, Trustee, Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development



THE TOOLS: From the growth paradigm to a sustainable development paradigm. Shifting the paradigm may require a major change in the existing governance processes and rules, towards an approach which mobilises and interconnects all levels of governance as well as social partners and civil society around sustainability objectives. Major EU policies may require a re-think in order to fully integrate all sustainable development dimensions. Is a reform of the European Semester enough, or does the EU need a fundamentally different process? What do the successes and failures of the past processes tell us, i.e. the Lisbon Strategy, and the Europe2020 strategy? How direct should be the linkage with the 2030 UNSDGs?

Discussion with:
Pervenche BERÈS, S&D Group Member, ECON Coordinator

Cristina GALLACH, High Commissioner for Agenda 2030, Spanish Government

Peter SCHMIDT, President of the Sustainable Development Observatory EESC

Kathleen VAN BREMPT, S&D Group Vice President

Marianne KETTUNEN, Principal Policy Analyst and Lead of Global Challenges and SDGs



THE TERRITORIES: Social and ecological innovation at local and regional levels. As the governance levels closest to citizens, local and regional authorities play a major role to re-direct urban and rural territories towards sustainable development. How can Europe help best to support sustainable development policies and initiatives at local and regional levels? Which direction shall the next Cohesion and Common Agriculture Policies take in this respect?                                                               

Discussion with:

Éric ANDRIEU, S&D Group Vice President

Thierry LUCAS, Head of the UN Environment Brussels Office

Frédéric VALLIER, Secretary General CEMR

Stella BIANCHI, Responsible for Sustainable Development, PD Italia



THE PEOPLE: Increased participation of citizens, of non-governmental organisations and of the business sector in achieving sustainable development. Sustainable development cannot be solely pursued by public authorities and through top-down policy approaches. Broad societal mobilisation will be key.  What does this mean for public governance processes at European and national levels? How can sustainable development lead to strong forms of participatory democracy and of citizens’ involvement. At the same time, sustainable development is not achievable without changing the current way of doing business. How can citizens become actors of positive change towards sustainable development? Is a legal framework for a new corporate governance the right way towards sustainable development? 

Discussion with:

Bernedine BOS, CSR Europe’s Director of Services

Tanya COX, Senior Policy & Advocacy Manager, Plan International EU Office    

Seb DANCE, S&D Group Member, ENVI rapporteur on SDGs

Giulio LO IACONO, Responsible Relations with Stakeholders, ASviS

Matthieu MEAULLE, Economic Adviser, ETUC



CONCLUDING DISCUSSION Towards a Europe of Sustainable Development.

Discussion with:

Mercedes BRESSO, S&D Group Vice President

Nicolas SCHMIT, Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Economy, Luxembourg

Maroš SEFCOVIC, VP of the European Commission in charge of the Energy Union


A cocktail will be served after the conference

The conference will be streamed on the S&D website

Eurodiputados que participan
Coordinador, Miembro